A Simple Prayer

Father, in the name of Jesus I ask for your blessings over my life. I ask Father that you would give me the desires of my heart, and that you would provide all my needs according to your riches and glory in Christ Jesus. I ask Father that you would grant to me wisdom from above. That you would open the very floodgates of heaven and pour your love into the depths of my heart.

In Jesus Name, Amen.


We are surrounded by deception, manipulation, and the old wag the dogs tail. We see in on television, in movies, in the news, and in marketing campaigns. So how does one see through all the lies, manipulations and deceptions.

Read the Word of God which is Truth. Then apply the teachings within the word of God, and the Truth applied will set you free.

Blessings, in Christ
In His Glorious Name Ministries